+49 (0) 5131/46 86 0
Mo - Fri from
07.00 - 23.00
Sa - Sun from
08.00 - 16.00

In case you just can’t get enough of us!

In case we convinced you with our meals - we have some products to take home. 

Have a look!

Hier ist für jeden Geschmack etwas dabei.
Hier ist für jeden Geschmack etwas dabei.

Unsere Landhaus Produkte

  • Some like it hot!

    If you would like to find out some of our chefs tricks of the trade, well, there is one of them.

  • Landhaus-Book

    With recipe’s and stories about us and our house. And there are very pretty pictures too!

  • Haven’t found a souvenir yet?

    We have the solution – our seasonal flavoured salts will be honoured by a smiling face.

  • „L“-Wine

    Makes us very proud - it is pressed especially for us.  Have a sip in our restaurant - you might just want to take some home with you.

  • Cookies

    Homemade with homecooked jam. And by the way, if you are staying with us, you will find one on your pillow!

  • Landhaus honey

    Our in-house honey sweetens every early morning, whether on the croissant, in the tea or a pure spoon from the glass for the sweet tooth among you. Our liquid gold is produced by the busy bees of the region & we get it directly from the beekeeper.


Sweet tooth

Have you been acquainted with our Landhaus-book?

Well in that case you may remember Heidi - the lady who makes the best homemade cakes in the world? - In any case, you should!

All cakes you enjoy on our grounds are supplied by her. We believe you will enjoy them very much!

And apart from that we were on a mission to test the very best patisseries of the region and made a list who you may order your cakes for any occasion from.

By the way - in our Seehof you can even book some baking courses


We go the extra mile

We know our farmers by name.

Don’t believe us - you can find the proof in our Landhaus-book.

Why? Because „Land“ means country. And as you know by now we are the „Landhaus am See“. So it’s just normal that our products are obtained from the farmers who work our “land”. Since we wrote the book, we don’t only source our meats, potatoes and eggs locally but also some bees have joined the team.